Festivals, Friends and Fun

 Over the last 3 years my focus has been on volunteering and treating the musicians and often volunteers at music festivals. I have been their on call personal therapist. 

 These musicians have often travelled thousands of miles by plane, or have been on the road and living out of their car for the whole festival season, which can be months on end. 
They arrive at the current venue tired, sore, stiff and sometimes with unresolved injuries from their last gig,  having not had the time to be treated. It's all about getting to the next festival on time. 
Festival goers pay good money to see these guys perform and expect  100 % out of the musicians performance. 
Musicians give everything they have to a performance because they want to be invited back to play again. This is how they make a living. 

During the time at a festival they not only perform, but they interact and mingle with everyone. They want to catch up with their  friends they haven't seen for ages and the general public want to talk to them and be their new friend. They have to always be 'ON'. Be happy, be polite, be engaging. 
We have bad days, so think how draining and  taxing it must be for them. 

Not only do I just fix the injuries of the guitarists stomp pedal fatigue, the fiddlers pretzeled neck and shoulder issues, the drummer's shoulder or back injury, and the stiffness from the miles of travel, but I'm there to balance their mind, bodies and limbs  back into a neutral, relaxed and healing state.  Being on the road takes a toll on everyone. 

Long periods of time spent away from family not only cause physical issues, but can cause stress,  isolation, arguments, breakups, sadness, depression, anxiety, but do you see that in their performance. No! The show must go on. 
I'm there to listen, offer a shoulder to cry on, a friendly hug, or just words of encouragement or advice without judgment.  Yes, they have their own close knit community of fellow musos to unload to, but sometimes they just want to blow off steam and let it go.
Since taking this road, I have made life-long friends and built some wonderful friendships within this community and have the utmost respect for their dedication to their profession and way of life. 
If you see me at a festival one day, stop and say Hi. I will appreciate it. 
We are all givers in our own way. 



Bowtech is a gentle form of bodywork in which very subtle moves performed over the muscles and connective tissue send messages deep into the body, retrieving cellular memory of a preferred relaxed way of wellbeing. Results can be remarkable, even from the first session; often only a few sessions are needed to correct the presenting problem.
There are frequent but very essential pauses throughout the session that allow the body time to respond and begin the healing process. The practitioner can target a specific problem or address the body as a whole.

Can the Bowen Technique help me?
The original Bowen Technique is extremely gentle and is considered appropriate for anyone from pregnant women to newborn babies, the frail and the elderly. It can assist recovery from many conditions, from traumatic injury to chronic illness, depending upon each individual’s capacity to heal. No adverse side affects have been reported.

The technique should be considered for:
Back pain and sciatica
Digestive and bowel problems including IBS
Earache, ear infections and migraines
Fibro myalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome
Knee, ankle and foot problems
Groin pain, pelvic tilt and uneven leg length
Menstrual and hormonal irregularities
Neck/shoulder problems including frozen shoulder
Respiratory problems and hay fever
RSI, carpel tunnel syndrome and tennis elbow
Sports and accidental injuries
Baby colic

Who to Choose?

Who to choose?
We are now getting more and more Alternative and Natural Healing businesses in Mackay and surrounding suburbs. This can become confusing for clients. They may have had the same therapist for awhile and wonder ,"Will I try someone else to see what they do?"
Someone may have just started up and will undercut the usual prices, so it looks advantageous to give it a go. So, do you go on price alone in these hard times?Can they fix my bad back or sore knee or shoulder. Your thoughts may be, you won't really know unless you" give them a go".
Having been a massage therapist for over thirty years, I have heard all the questions. When clients ask me how to choose a therapist, I tell them a few things to look for. Are the premises clean? Is their manner professional in the treatment room? Can you claim your health care benefits back. (You pay it each year, so you should claim it back.) Most importantly; What is their experience and qualifications?
If they are registered with a health care provider, this ensures they have insurance and qualifications of a professional body standard. eg. AAMT. (Australian Assoc. of Massage Therapists) BTAA (Bowen Therapist Assoc. Australia) BAA (Bowen Assoc. Australia) to name a few.
Never forget there are “horses for courses”.
If you want a relaxing massage to pamper yourself, then look to a Spa. This is their forte. You will be surrounded with relaxing music, darken room and all will be soothing to the soul as well as the body.
If you have an injury, muscle or tendon related , look to a clinic that specializes in repair and rehab. Rarely will you find them both in the same clinic, as they are different qualifications. (Bowen therapy does treat both).
When you are booking your appointment, ask the questions. You are the client so you want to know up front the best treatment they can offer you.
If the answers aren't what you want or you don't feel reassured,then keep looking. We aren't all the same.